Day 1: Journey begins, Why NoFap?
I came across the word NoFap about a year ago. I had also joined the NoFap community. But, this did not help me much. Fast forward to 23rd Nov 2017. This is when I came across a whole bunch of videos on NoFap and the benefits. After watching experiences of people (both men and women), I decided to start this journey - NoFap for 90 days. Though there are many benefits, my motive is to come out of my PMO addiction. This addiction has been a big dark spot of my life.
Those people who still think masturbation is fine and doesn't think it is harmful, take some time and look into your life again. I've social anxiety, couldn't show confidence in public, cannot make eye contacts, cannot speak loudly. Though I had a good job, I couldn't grow there because I couldn't speak up because of hesitation. I never thought this was connected to masturbation. But, when I realized that this was because of my addiction, I realized how my personality and habits had changed.
I have decided to come out of my addiction and have started my NoFap journey. I will be updating about my journey and the changes in my life daily. I've already completed one day, I've started to have a cold shower, I exercise daily (Intensive). I keep myself busy, I did have urge twice, but I reminded myself that I was on a journey and my reason is bigger than the urges.
Keep following this blog, If you're like me, do get educated about this.
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