
A Week without fap! An Update,

It is quite an achievement to complete 7 days without porn and masturbation for a guy who did these two things daily. It was easy until the 6th day, but the urge to masturbate and check hot pics on Instagram has been increasing day by day. It feels like a real challenge after the 6th day of NoFap challenge. However, I'm following my routine of cold shower, no meat, eggs, and dairy. It is very important to keep yourself busy with some kind of work, to keep your mind away from PMO thoughts. Divert your mind to a different topic when your mind starts to slip toward PMO. TIP: Do not keep a count of your days. It really makes it hard. I'm keeping myself motivated by watching few NoFap experiences on YouTube. Do check these video: Join  NoFap forum . Read books, go out, start doing new things to keep your mind busy. Keep observing the changes that is taking place in your body and mind. If you have any doubts, please leave a comment below.

Day 4: Fighting the urges, masturbation and acne

I've successfully completed my 4th day. This is the longest time I've not masturbated. I'm feeling the urges lightly when I come across pics of girls or on YouTube. However, I'm able to control it. I'm very particular about my diet. I'm eating less and I'm working out every evening. I'm have reduced facebook, I'm not opening any post or videos which contains erotic and explicit stuff, which may turn me on. I've also stopped using dairy products. Masturbation will also affect your face and increases your acne problem. I'm suffering from acne for a long time. I've also noticed that my acne gets worse after masturbating. It is not only on face but also on my chest area. I've started to notice that this has reduced a bit. Apart from these, I haven't observed any major changes till now. There are many things and many terms associated with NoFap challenge. If you are suffering from this addiction I'll highly recommend you to ...

Day 3: Controlling urges, YouTube motivation

Completed my 3rd day without porn and masturbation with little urges at night. I sleep late at night (4am or 5 am). I wake up at 11 am, hence I usually have urges at night. But, now that I'm determined I'm able to control these small urges. I'm not texting to any girls or checking any girl's facebook page (Uninstalled Instagram). I'm watching few NoFap motivational videos. There are 3 favorite YouTube channels, I'll be sharing the information in my next 3 posts. I've also registered in NoFap forum, which is world's largest community of people who are on the NoFap journey. The forum also has a NoFap-No PMO counter, which will help you to keep up with the journey or the challenge. I'm on a vegetarian diet (No eggs and diary). I'm also giving a lot of importance to my high-intensity workout. Do check this video for more information about OMO, NoFap and its benefits => NoFap and Benefits Masturbation to porn is a very bad habit, i...

Day 2: Changes in Diet and Lifestyle, NoFap challenge

"When you invest your time in something, It will grow". Porn-Masturbation-Orgasm is a real addiction. It weakens your mind. Your mind gets relaxed for few moment and this just makes it worse. You will start masturbating for every girl's pic, you will start imagining yourself getting intimate with the girl. All these things will take you away from reality. You'll start feeling that every girl you come across is observing you or has an interest for you. You'll start treating girls like sexual objects. This is the kind of effect porn can have on your mind. Masturbation may not be unhealthy but it is certainly unhealthy for your mind. Intimacy in your relationship is good but fapping for a porn, or fapping for a girl is never good. I've completed my 2nd day without fapping. So far there are no strong urges to fap. I'm in control. I've made few changes in my life. 1. Uninstalled Instagram. 2. Cold Shower. 3. No meat, eggs, milk. 4. Black coff...

Day 1: Journey begins, Why NoFap?

I was addicted to PMO ( Porn-Masturbation-Orgasm) for years. In the beginning, I did not know that there is something called Porn addiction or Masturbation addiction but, when porn and masturbation became regular (Daily), I realized that my mind is not in my control. I used to masturbate daily and I started becoming disgusted with it. But, I could not stop it. I could not go more than 3 days without porn or masturbation. I used to visualize things while masturbating and this was just a momentary pleasure. I came across the word NoFap about a year ago. I had also joined the NoFap community. But, this did not help me much. Fast forward to 23rd Nov 2017. This is when I came across a whole bunch of videos on NoFap and the benefits. After watching experiences of people (both men and women), I decided to start this journey - NoFap for 90 days. Though there are many benefits, my motive is to come out of my PMO addiction. This addiction has been a big dark spot of my life. ...